Wednesday 6 February 2019

Lesson I - Introduction to Information & Communication Technology

In our first lesson, I learned a lot about I.C.T. or Information and Communication Technology. Before we jumped in to the discussion of this lesson, we had an activity and were divided into groups to illustrate what we know about I.C.T. My group decided to draw a boy occupied with his device and is surrounded by applications indicating that I.C.T. has been around us all this time even if the others are not aware of it and its help to us -- that technology gave us a way to communicate and gather information easily without waiting for months.

This lesson focused on the three types of web: Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. Web 1.0. World Wide Web was invented in Web 1.0; it is also static. Web 2.0 is the website that we commonly visit for interaction and sharing like Social Networking Sites. Web 3.0 is semantic. Server problems of Web 3.0 and Trends in I.C.T are also included in this topic as well as the types of social media and operating systems.

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